Minnie Mouse First Birthday

A child’s first birthday is magical. As they become more toddler than baby, the entire world is of interest to them, to explore, touch, taste… and often climb!

I met this cutie through a customer referral. We started the birthday milestone session with some vintage shots, then captured her birthday theme: Minnie Mouse. The best part? All of these photos were taken in their own family kitchen. which means a more comfortable setting for their little one – and they were already home for nap time!



Her parents were thrilled with how easily she warmed up to me and the camera, although I’ll give some credit to fun props like mirrors and of course, cake!





To wrap things up, we took a simple shot of a “thank you” sign that could be paired with a picture of the birthday girl for extra adorable, personalized thank you notes.


Additional time for cake clean-up was, of course, free of charge… even if she didn’t save me a piece.

Want to remember your little one’s first birthday with a smash cake? Contact me today and let’s talk themes! I have a broad catalog of studio props that can easily pair with your ideas.

Children’s Studio Modeling Portfolio Session

I love getting to know new people in my community, and accordingly, I will often offer free sessions as prizes for local groups and organizations. A recent winner, this young lady visited my studio to build her modeling portfolio.

Selecting an in-studio session with controlled studio lighting offered two key benefits:

  • Studio lighting with models helps to sculpt their features with highlights and shadows in a controlled setting.
  • It acclimates kids to a studio environment that is still relaxed, preparing them for future studio assignments.

To ensure agency consideration, we created a foundation of requisite shots, as you can see from the featured series below. Most modeling agencies will require both an open- and closed-mouth smile, a neutral expression and a couple of images that show off the child’s personality. We took some classic shots that captured her range of expressions along with some more spirited pictures.

She was a natural in front of the camera – I’m sure we will be seeing much more of her!






To learn more about my portfolio services, let’s talk!

If you want to be the first to hear about upcoming contests and promotions, don’t forget to follow my Facebook page.

Newborn Photography: Bringing the Studio to You

With a new baby at home, getting out the door with all of your gear can be quite the endeavor. Because newborns sleep and eat so often, timing your photo shoot can also be a challenge.

To help make sure the entire family is comfortable and has what they need, I will often bring my studio to clients. While we don’t need a large space to set up, it is important to consider access to natural light. For newborn sessions at home, indirect natural light is preferred but not necessary.

I staged this session in the client’s living room, taking advantage of large windows that allowed for fantastic natural light. Paired with some of my simple vintage props with soft colors, the result was gorgeous images that still kept the focus on the family in each shots.

All of that said, this sweet little angel made it easy!





Headshots That Inspire Confidence

Need new professional headshots for LinkedIn, networking sites or marketing collateral?

I work with clients on two styles of images, depending on their needs:

(1) Standard headshots: If you are seeking a simple, clean shot, I can provide that for you, taking care to provide images that look relaxed and natural.

(2) Enhanced images: By “enhanced,” I don’t mean digitally manipulated. I am talking about creating images that capture your personality or business. The goal is to create something memorable to the viewer that encompasses who you are.

Karen of Ageless Passions is a motivational speaker and life coach who helps people find their passion in life at any age. Karen was born with normal hearing and began losing it in elementary school. She became profoundly deaf after a water skiing accident as a teen. She rediscovered her passion for barefoot water skiing at age 44.

For Karen’s business shots,  we tied in the American Sign Language (ASL) sign for love, the hashtag “Passion” that she wants to capture, and her warm smile.

Ann Marie of Thatgirl Organizes can organize any space in your home or work place. The crisp, white background was a given, which gave great pop to her sage coat. Meanwhile, by adding the simple element of a 9-cube shelf neatly displaying a few items behind her, I was able to accentuate the feeling of symmetry and order while building a more visually appealing image.


Whatever your needs for your headshots, small touches can make a huge difference.

Let’s talk about how to create impactful images that evoke your personality or business.

A Colorful First Birthday Smash

Last week, I shared some tips to make your milestone photography sessions go perfectly. Now, I’m excited to share just how fun these pictures can be!

Recently, the K family came to the Plainfield studio all the way from Indiana! When we discussed their session, they were hoping to set up a shabby chic first birthday shoot.

I pulled together props from my catalog: A vintage vanity mirror, a french telephone, a suitcase and some beads and a magenta damask background. The purple ruffled outfit they brought fit beautifully.

For the smash cake, I provided balloons and a banner, while the cake, tutu and headband gave the pictures great colors while still keeping the emphasis on the birthday girl’s sweet face.

The pictures speak for themselves. We had a great time, and it shows in the results!






Got your own session ideas? Let’s talk!

Holiday photos: How to personalize your studio shoot

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We know how important it is to love your holiday photos. We’ve designed our studio space with a rustic theme that is friendly to all ages and can be easily modified to capture your family’s personality.

We have ready for your use:


  • Two small lit trees with simple green and red globe ornaments
  • A festive, garland-lined fireplace mantel (Don’t worry – the fake fire background is safe for little explorers!)
  • A soft, white fur rug that kids’ hands love to touch
  • Props big and small! A sled, presents, crates and baskets, chairs, Santa’s burlap sack, a JOY light up sign, hot chocolate mugs and ingredients, and extra lights and ornaments for playing.

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What else can you do for your holiday shoot?_DSC0998  

  • Hang ornaments on our tree
  • Bring stockings to hang from our mantel
  • Hang Christmas lights – or get tangled up
  • Bring pajamas for a cozy winter evening
  • Read a favorite book by the fire
  • Wrap a present 
  • Let kids unwrap a gift for that genuine, surprised reaction

More than anything, come ready to have fun! As the holiday classic goes, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

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A very special “first”: Xander’s story

One of the most heartwarming parts of being a photographer is being given the privilege to capture some of a family’s most important memories – For milestones, new beginnings, and celebrations.

Pixel Perfect Pros Xander photo 2I recently met Alexander Angelino’s family for their first photo shoot.

This particular session was a celebration in so many ways. Xander is the Angelino’s Rainbow baby after two miscarriages, and he was, from the very start, their fighter.

Born 8 weeks early because of complications, Xander arrived weighing just 3 pounds 4 ounces. Born with a serious heart defect in his aorta, he had huge challenges in front of him. Already so tiny, he quickly dropped to under three pounds by the time they could operate.

With two open heart surgeries and extremely fragile health, Xander needed extra care. His mom, Nicole, quit her job to be with him and the family spent most of their first year quietly at home. They missed family gatherings, holidays, and events because everyday illnesses could put Xander back in the hospital.

Pixel Perfect Pros Xander photo 1All of that love and attention clearly paid off. While they say most babies double their weight in their first year, Xander, eager to catch up with his peers is already over 18 pounds. He is their rough-and-tumble little boy, crawling, chasing his dog, and diving to get the toys that he wants.

That is why this particular photo session was so special, to all of us in the room. It symbolized Xander’s growth and victory. It represented their family’s ability to start enjoying time out of the house together. And to his parents, this sweet little boy with his mischievous smile is their beauty after the pain of loss and then so many months of uncertainty.

Xander is turning one this month, and we wish him the happiest of birthdays.

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