Glenview Methodist Church Preschool Auction Winners

Recently, I met this family in a Glenview park on a very warm, sunny morning. They were the winners of a live auction package I submitted to the Glenview Methodist Church Preschool. The focus of this session was the kids. To the parent’s surprise, once I began working with them, they were very loving and playful siblings!



We spent a few minutes capturing each of their personalities.  They both have the captivating look of innocence.




If you are connected with an organization that is looking to connect with a small business, or know of an auction that needs collections, let’s talk!

Smile for Isobel Smiles

Promo Poster

My focus in 2017 is giving back. I am proud to align myself with Smallcakes, a cupcakery & creamery, in Naperville and Isobel Smiles, a non-profit organization who grants smiles to children with special needs. Together, we have created a photography mini-session event on Sunday, June 4th. Sign up is easy here.  Our hope is to bring the community together to benefit one girl, Ashley, who is a 12-year-old child with Autism.


The Scoop
We will be offering five minute, purple-themed mini-sessions in the Smallcakes store. A minimum, $25 tax-deductible donation will help us reach our goal. The set allows a maximum of four people at once and we’re focusing on your smiles!
To help bring out those smiles, each person will receive a mini cupcake and various props will also be available. You will receive a digital photo booth strip and the choice of one printable 8×12 digital file.
Giving Smiles
Isobel Smiles was created in memory of the Schissler’s daughter, Isobel. Their mission is to grant children with special needs the gifts of accessibility, experiences, and opportunities. They have chosen Ashley as their next grantee. Therapeutic horseback riding has many benefits for children with special needs, and Ashley responds very well to it. Isobel Smiles has set a very manageable goal of $500 to grant her a half year of riding. It is my goal to see this goal surpassed! Meet Dave and Emily Schissler in this short video .
Sweet Hosts
I looked for a business within my community that fit our theme of smiles and children. What better than gourmet cupcakes and ice cream! Jill and Robert at Smallcakes in Naperville are generous to host a purple-themed photo session event in their South Naperville store at Rt. 59 and 111th from 12-4. Meet the owners, Jill and Robert in this short video.
 Join Us

The first 25 participants to sign up here will receive a swag bag of goodies! Securing your spot will ensure your time, in the event that there is a walk-in line. Arrive at Smallcakes, 4827 S. Rt.59, 60564 Naperville, a few minutes early to sample some treats!
Follow us for special raffles and giveaways leading up to the event! Please share and support Ashley! Let’s make a difference as a community in this child’s life!
Sweet Day

A Pastel Spring

This April, I am offering a series of interactive, Spring mini sessions based around pastel colors. These sisters had fun celebrating Easter and welcoming Spring.

Schwall_SP17_05Schwall_SP17_03Schwall_SP17_15Once I introduced some props, their imaginations kicked in and we were able to capture their silliness and love for each other. Schwall_SP17_09Schwall_SP17_12Schwall_SP17_13Schwall_SP17_14Schwall_SP17_17

Of course, we always take a brief moment to grab a traditional portrait.

Schwall_SP17_19Schwall_SP17_22 I take pride in my original mini-session themes and I get excited developing new sets my clients enjoy. If you have a mini-session theme idea, I would love to collaborate and bring it to life!

My Inspiration

Happy 70th birthday, Dad! You have always been my creative inspiration. During my childhood, I admired your artistic talents as an illustrator, painter, and graphic designer for the Chicago Tribune. As I followed your career, I felt like your work was more play. I watched you paint projects. I imitated your drawings. I watched you learn to draw in Photoshop 1. I was baffled and inspired by the digital art. Today, I am proud to have you on my side, inspiring and challenging me in the arts!


Sand Fall in Lower Antelope Canyon

One of my earliest memories was Disney World. I was only four. I wasn’t allowed to touch the family camera on that trip, but I remember asking questions about how it worked. In grade school, I worked in the dark room for the first time and then again in high school. This was not schoolwork, it was play. Then in college, I began to hone in on my own creative niche. My family inspired me to follow my interest in the arts and today, I can’t see myself doing anything else.


Canyon Land USA

I always found myself tuned into detail and inspired by the grandiose landscapes that I visited on our vacations. In high school, I visited Arizona with the school. I saw colors and skies that inspired me to take pictures. I took so many rolls of film that I filled a box with one-hour prints. I found myself drawn to the barren landscape contrasted by life, and intrigued by the canyons and mountains.


Grand Canyon National Park at Sunset


Havasu Falls, Supai Reservation

When I turned 17, I returned to Sedona, Arizona with my parents. We hiked and toured the paths less traveled. We found a place that filled our souls and inspired us to look at Mother Earth as art.


San Xavier del Bac




Cactus Skeleton Macro

I researched the Southwest, made bucket lists and followed through. I am grateful that my Dad and wife were involved in some of these trips. Many people visit a destination to shop, eat and sight see. During these trips, I put the vistas and culture first. These images are a highlight of my collection of the Southwest. Enjoy the views of the Southwest that fill up my soul!


Horseshoe Bend at sunset


Horseshoe Bend at sundown


Saguaro National Park


Sunbeam in Lower Antelope


Looking to the sky in upper Antelope


Fay Canyon, Sedona


Havasu Creek, Havasu, AZ


Havasu Falls, Havasu, AZ


Enter Lower Antelope


Oak Creek Canyon


Spring Bloom






San Xavier del Bac


San Xavier del Bac

Happy birthday Dad, and cheers!



Hippity Hop Easter 2017


We gathered our eggs for the egg hunt and we’re playing in a pastel world. One of Chase’s favorite toy animals is his gray bunny, so we made sure he has some carrots. I’m offering this indoor, Easter themed set as a 20 minute mini session in the Plainfield studio for $150 with five digital files and a small print package that includes one 5×7 and two 4×6 prints! For my clients in the northern suburbs, sign up here for a 20 minute slot on April 15th in Vernon Hills in the Deerpath subdivision from 10 am to 3pm.

Come to play with themed props or capture a portrait in your kiddo’s “Sunday best.” This Easter session is ready to highlight your family for the holiday and Spring!


The Legacy Series

“There will be time for that, I thought. I guess you always think there will be time.”

As I said the words aloud, I realized I was harboring some regret. I graduated college with a degree in digital media production and since then, documenting my family’s story has always, in some capacity, been on my mind. My grandparents’ history had a huge impact on my life and inadvertently, through the objects I would rummage through in their home, my career path. I remember finding their old cameras, playing with their slide and film projectors, learning how to work them, and asking incessant questions about the images that were projected.

So many of their answers came with stories that for the life of me I wish I could remember, but the truth is I’m lucky if I recall the major points. You don’t realize you’ll look back one day and wish you would have captured those moments, those stories, and all the tiny details that make them come alive. They say time is short, and people think that’s so cliché, but when it happens to you and you lose someone you love, you realize so much of their story dies with them, except the parts you remember.

gjo-hands_bwPerhaps as I get older, I’m just becoming more aware of the meaning and sanctity of it all. For instance, my paternal grandfather, Jim, was born in the countryside of Tennessee, raised as a farmer in Illinois where he used a single-horse plow to prepare the field, and eventually saw electricity installed for the very first time in his house. His last correspondence was a Christmas card sent via email. I have a hard time wrapping my head around not just the length of his life, but the width of it.

The same could be said for my maternal grandparents. My other grandfather, was born in Chicago and lost both his parents at an early age after the ship they were on, the Eastland, capsized in the Chicago River. That travesty would not only leave him an orphan, but it would result in more casualties than the Titanic, though today it is all but forgotten, swept under the rug of time passed. I intended to get a first hand account of his story, but he passed away before I could.

Grandma was born in South Dakota and her parents migrated to America from Sweden in the bow of a ship, arriving poor, but I imagine full of hope for a better life. No matter how much they acclimated to their new home, the family kept a strong affinity for their Swedish culture. I kept meaning to sit down with her to get the full narrative of their migration and learn more about her roots. I also thought maybe she could shine some light on my grandfather’s story as well, but sadly she passed within a year of my grandfather, before I was able to do so.

They were all part of the Greatest Generation; they survived the Great Depression, fought in World War II, contributed to establishing the foundation of our country as we know it, and lived to see the birth of smartphones. How did I not make it a priority to record more of their history, their legacy? It was around this time that I decided I needed to gather what I could from my parents. Being once removed would have to do.

My Mom and Dad’s friendship began when they were five, and they even played the role of bride and groom on a church float. Finally, they married in 1969. Shortly after I began my career at a digital media studio, Mom was diagnosed with a sudden onset ALS. After a couple of years, she lost her ability to speak and soon after, she passed. With her went the colorful details of her life as a baby boomer and working mother of two. Gone, too, was my opportunity to interview her about her parents’ lives that she spent so much time researching. What remains are hazy details I struggle to recall.



Through the loss of my loved ones, I’ve inherited certain pieces of their history to remember them by. A few of my favorites are displayed in my studio like my Gradparents 8mm film camera that captured images of of my parents together as kids. I kept Mom’s Polaroid camera that she took to San Francisco where she had fun people watching the flower children. Dad won a camera in an art contest at twelve years old, he drew a picture of Mom and ironically enough, he became an artist.


What I consider to be a family relic is a perfectly preserved ediphone, passed down from my maternal great grandpa’s parents, which my son dances along to almost daily. It dates back so far that my computer is trying to autocorrect the word “ediphone” as I type it. Grandma understood my love of music and its history that she had it restored to working condition before she passed away. It now serves as a cherished reminder of my family and an unexpected conversation piece with my friends and clients.

This is just a highlight of the mementos I’ve inherited, but reflecting on them makes me think of the heirlooms in other families that get left behind. Hopefully they are passed on with love, though often they’ll end up at estate sales, antique shops, donation bins or garbage dumps. These are the artifacts that hold the story of the lives of previous generations, but without the story they become forgotten. And that’s where the legacy ends.

Unless we take the time to capture it, to ask questions, sit and listen to the tales of those who have lived, and piece it together in a way that helps us understand who they are, what they’ve learned, and what they lived to tell. In doing this it will fill in the blanks of our own existence, honor those we look up to, and help their stories carry on long after they are with us.


Our last Christmas with Mom and Grandpa

This is why, in honor of my family, and with a tinge of personal regret, I am introducing the Legacy Service. I want to help other people do what I wish I would have done for myself and my family. I want to record their family history with intentionality, not “tomorrow” but today. I want to interview their loved ones, get firsthand accounts of stories that are too precious to be lost to time and faulty memories, and preserve the history behind family keepsakes and antiques, all with as much truth, humor, and candor as possible by getting it straight from the source.

There is something about knowing where you came from that helps you understand who you are. By piecing together the history of those who have gone before us, we begin to understand what they walked through, how far they came, and how much we have to be grateful for. We know that life is beautiful and precious, but sometimes I think we forget that it is also fleeting. The things we assume we’ll have time for tomorrow we may never get to. I think a story is worth telling, history deserves to be documented, and legacies are meant to live on.

Please follow us on our Facebook page or sign up for my newsletter for more exciting info about this brand new service, coming in soon!

New Beginnings & Milestones

I am honored when I have the chance to photograph the new beginnings and milestones of a growing family. Each new addition gives me more moments, more love, and more memories to lock in time for the family to reminisce over forever. It seemed just like yesterday that I was asked to capture the new life of one of my incredible families of five, and now she has turned one!



Mom asked for something vintage and minimal to compliment a crystal-beaded headband and a focus of grey with the family. The simplicity of a mirror reflection turned out to be a favorite of mine from this year.


Then in the blink of an eye, one year rolls around and we played with the color pink in a Bolingbrook park. We worked with the mirror once again and we brought out some smiles using bubbles and balloons.


In between some one-year-old tears, we caught the genuine affection that this family has for each other in so many colorful images.


I look forward to capturing this family’s milestones for many years to come!


Sisters on the set!

The winter sessions began last weekend and I am excited to share the images of these sisters. These girls were excited to play on the set right as they entered the door. They had fun passing around gifts, hanging ornaments, and playing.


We were able to catch some silly moments as the girls snuggled up together with some pretend hot chocolate. In a quick half hour we captured so many wonderful images for their holiday cards and portrait gifts.


Gather your family for a half hour mini session on Saturday, November 19th or Sunday, December 4th, in the comfort of my cozy Plainfield studio. Signing up is easy! Click this link or schedule a private session!

Baby It’s Cold Outside – winter minis!

I am excited to officially announce my winter-themed, in studio mini sessions! The scene is set in front of the freshly fallen snow on a birch wood forest. White pines emerge on the blanketed snow. Accents of silver glisten in the air and coat the tips of the pine trees._dsc4238


Gather your family for a half hour session on Saturday, November 19th or Sunday, December 4th, in the comfort of my cozy Plainfield studio. Sip on some hot cocoa or cider, and before you know it, your first holiday tasks will be checked off your list.

Signing up is easy! Click this link or send me an email! Keep reading for details!


Exclusive to this half hour mini-session, clients will receive gifts totaling $105 in value. Included is your choice of a metal or porcelain, double-sided ornament, printed with the image(s) of your choice from your session. This gift will be shipped directly to your house with your choice of two 5×7 prints. In addition, you can select three high-resolution, 8×12 digital files with copyright print release. As a bonus, when you select any prints and digital file choices, you will also receive these digital files formatted for web sharing (social media). If you had a session with me in 2016, you will receive 12 FREE custom holiday cards!

This Winter Mini package is available to you for $200.


Gift giving is made simple! You will have access to discounted print packages, gift items, and cards! Choose from a dozen custom-designed card templates. To further customize your holiday card design, you can choose which images, fonts and message that you want to appear on these double-sided cards. For each additional $75 you spend on prints or gift items, you will receive 12 FREE cards!


Earn discounts or set up a private mini session. For each friend you refer, earn a $20 credit towards a Pixel Perfect Pros service. If you have three friends with families interested in the session (4 or more families total) you can schedule a private mini session for a date of your choice (based on availability).


Feel free to contact with questions or click this link to sign up! I hope to see you in my studio this winter!


Fall Traditions

The unseasonably warm weather delayed the fall colors a bit this year, but we still managed to find some idyllic color in Libertyville.


This family has chased the fall colors the past couple of years and this year we caught some in the beautiful twilight hour.

The kids love to be silly together and Dad fueled the energy with some high tosses! I shoot their sessions in a contemporary portrait style and we always leave some down time to catch the kids being kids.


The sibling love and childhood innocence were so fun to see through my lens, and I hope that they enjoy looking back on these moments for years to come.
