Minnie Mouse First Birthday

A child’s first birthday is magical. As they become more toddler than baby, the entire world is of interest to them, to explore, touch, taste… and often climb!

I met this cutie through a customer referral. We started the birthday milestone session with some vintage shots, then captured her birthday theme: Minnie Mouse. The best part? All of these photos were taken in their own family kitchen. which means a more comfortable setting for their little one – and they were already home for nap time!



Her parents were thrilled with how easily she warmed up to me and the camera, although I’ll give some credit to fun props like mirrors and of course, cake!





To wrap things up, we took a simple shot of a “thank you” sign that could be paired with a picture of the birthday girl for extra adorable, personalized thank you notes.


Additional time for cake clean-up was, of course, free of charge… even if she didn’t save me a piece.

Want to remember your little one’s first birthday with a smash cake? Contact me today and let’s talk themes! I have a broad catalog of studio props that can easily pair with your ideas.

A Colorful First Birthday Smash

Last week, I shared some tips to make your milestone photography sessions go perfectly. Now, I’m excited to share just how fun these pictures can be!

Recently, the K family came to the Plainfield studio all the way from Indiana! When we discussed their session, they were hoping to set up a shabby chic first birthday shoot.

I pulled together props from my catalog: A vintage vanity mirror, a french telephone, a suitcase and some beads and a magenta damask background. The purple ruffled outfit they brought fit beautifully.

For the smash cake, I provided balloons and a banner, while the cake, tutu and headband gave the pictures great colors while still keeping the emphasis on the birthday girl’s sweet face.

The pictures speak for themselves. We had a great time, and it shows in the results!






Got your own session ideas? Let’s talk!

Milestone Photography Tips For Pictures You’ll Love

Everyone loves to capture their little ones’ milestones. These sessions can be a lot of fun for both you and your kids and are a great opportunity to personalize your session.

No matter what your family’s style, we can create images that you will love. Here are a few tips from some of our best sessions:


  • Let them play! My goal is to capture your child’s personality and genuine expressions. One thing that is consistent is that kids love to wiggle. Don’t worry if they don’t want to stay posed. The more fun they have, the bigger their smiles!
  • Birthday cakes: decorate the tops AND sides. I photograph from a variety of perspectives to capture your kiddo’s expressions. Get that color to pop no matter the angle! For the same reason, cakes without words on top can be easier to use.
  • Plan ahead and talk to me about your ideas. I love original approaches. And, I might already have the perfect props in my studio to make your theme come together. I work hard to personalize sessions and will often invest in new items to get it right. That’s why my catalog is always growing!

FIRST GRADENewborn3 months

  • Use the color wheel. No matter how great your theme, you always want your child to stand out most from the scene. Reference the color wheel to implement some easy color theory. For example, if you choose a blue background, consider wearing oranges and reds.

Color wheel

Here are a few more pictures my clients have loved, including a couple of Communion and graduation favorites, too!

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Natalie_Grad_008 (1)Natalie_Grad_009Natalie_Grad_040

More than anything, remember that I am here to help! Got an idea? Let’s talk about it!

Color Wheel Image credit: Bwilliam